*NEW RELEASE* AIM for Safer Birth Podcast episode with Congresswoman Lauren Underwood and HRSA Administrator Carole Johnson. CLICK HERE to listen now!

Obstetric Emergency Readiness Community of Learning

AIM hosts the Obstetric Emergency Readiness Community of Learning to provide participants with best practices and resources to prepare for recognition and response to obstetric emergencies in non-obstetric care settings and facilities with limited access to specialty care providers. This learning series specifically designed to support non-obstetric, lower resource and rural facilities.



Why do you need a rapid response team? Establishing this team is a core component of obstetric readiness and is associated with improved patient outcomes in other disciplines. This educational offering will discuss practical approaches and considerations for rapid response team development in lower-resourced settings and will explore effective team communication techniques. Participants will walk away with meaningful strategies on rapid response team building and how to foster effective team communication.

Session 2

Simulations for OB Readiness in Non-OB Settings + Strategies for Remote Drills and Simulations

Teamwork and communication are essential when managing medical emergencies. Routine drills and simulations can result in safer care in emergency situations. This educational offering will examine the value of obstetric drills and simulations as well as highlight strategies facilities can use to implement virtual or remote drills and simulations. Participants will walk away with best practices in improving maternal care in non-obstetric care settings.

Session 3

Standardized Screening for Current or Recent Pregnancy in the ED: Implementation Strategies and Lessons Learned

Asking whether your patient was recently pregnant or pregnant in the last year may help save a life. Simple question can help providers quickly intervene on pregnancy-related complications. This educational offering will explore the significance of pregnancy screening in the ED and discuss practical approaches and considerations when communicating urgent maternal warning signs in these settings. Participants will walk away with resources and tools for improving strategies for pregnancy screening in non-obstetric units that support obstetric patients.

Session 4

Innovation in Technology Assisted Care

Innovative and flexible models of care are critical to meet the need of obstetric patients in rural areas. Not sure where to start? Consider resources to support implementation of technology assisted care to fill gaps in the maternity care continuum. This educational offering will explore possible approaches to remote care and consultation pathways and discuss best practices in using these resources to address obstetric emergencies in non-obstetric settings. Participants will walk away with resources for further exploration of remote clinical consultation care.

Session 5

Responding to Hypertensive Obstetric Emergencies in Non-Obstetric Settings

This educational offering will inform participants of the key clinical signs indicative of an obstetric hypertensive emergency and considerations for the treatment of these emergencies. Key considerations in the treatment of hypertensive emergencies in pregnant and postpartum people may be applied to the development of clinical algorithms and checklists. Participants will walk away with a deeper understanding of the value of preparing for obstetric emergencies through clinical algorithms and checklists.

Session 6

Safe Transfer – Key Considerations and Best Practices

How can your team ensure they are prepared to transfer obstetric patients to higher levels of care? This learning offering will provide attendees with core concepts related to safe transport and best practices. Participants will walk away from this session with strategies and best practices in preparing for and communicating transports of obstetric patents to higher levels of care.

Session 7

Debriefing and Learning after Drills and Simulations

Debriefs allow teams to identify operational and process difficulties. Why should debriefing become a part of your teams drills and simulations process? This learning offering will provide participants with strategies and best practices to identify successes, opportunities for improvement and action planning in the case of a future emergency.

Session 8

Debriefs and Systems Improvement After an Obstetric Emergency


A fundamental aspect of safe patient care includes clear, professional, and regular communication with all staff. Post-event debriefs and huddles are key to identifying successes and opportunities for improvement. This educational offering will discuss practical approaches and considerations for debriefing and systems improvement after an obstetric emergency.